Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Goodbye Beans

May 25th, 2009 My little beans snuck in the dishwasher while we were loading it and we did not know. My heart is broken though it was an accident the guilt is so strong at times I feel I can't breath and just cry and cry. This little ferret touched our lives in a joyous way. We will miss our bean bean forever!

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Beautiful creation of God

This was Foster Lake, they are draining the reservoir so they can fix a crack and then going to allow the water back in. Took these pictures while visiting the park. It was a pretty site!

Monday, May 18, 2009

Family time at park

Julionna holding my nephew James, Paul, my nephew Cayden and Gabe in the back

Testing out the waters

Playing in small water fall

God's beauty and awe..Gabe

Julionna and my nephew James

Walk 4 Life

Brian and kids and my oldest sister Lori, her boyfriend and niece Ashlee behind Brian and tons more other people walking too. Great turn out this year!!

This church has this neat little memorial they put out every year for babies memory whom have been aborted.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Fun times

Celebrating my niece's 20th Birthday. We had a back yard fire (this was at my sister Kim's house) Good times when family is together. The top picture is me holding my niece Ashlee's baby, his name is James.