Thursday, December 31, 2009

2009 is almost gone 2010 begining

This past year has been interesting to say the least! Good times and bad times all wrapped up with a bow.

Touching the world, one person at a time through Heavenly angels in need. Using my own skills to reach out and touch a family, child or infant in trauma. That has been such an honor!

Cannot forget my family time! I have the best family ever!!!My husband and my kids are my pride and joy. The apple of my eye! The reason I live!!!

Then all the petskeeping us extra busy

I am so thankful for many things and appreciate so many people, I do not have a list big enough. I do hope everyone a wonderful new year and a safe one. I pray only the best from our family to yours!!!

Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Whats going on since my last post

I have not posted in forever on this blog. My facebook friends know much of this but the blog users do not or may not. Ashlee my niece had baby Madi. Those who follow know of the maternity picture session I did earlier in the year. Well Madi was born and was healed!! Madi however had her hydrocephalus come back but in it was a miracle. She ended up having brain surgery to put in the tubes and stint (I believe its called) and she is doing so good, the stint and things will be removed when she is 18 years old. I got to give her a bath on Christmas day and she just looked up at me and was so peaceful in the nice warm water. Bathing a miracle baby was a highlight in my life.
Christmas went fairly well. We spent time mainly at my nieces. Though on Christmas day we lost a good companion. Sparky was good, faithful friend to our family and we will miss him allot.

I did one family session for Christmas. It turned out pretty good. And have more to do in January. Been extra busy in HAIN working on tax receipts.

In church we have been going through the "experiencing God" course. We sang in church for a Christmas program. (choir) it was fun and I hope to do more of this.

On the knitting front I only did one project for Christmas. I knitted a hat for a friend of my oldest child.
Hope all of you who read had a wonderful Christmas