While riding on the bus to the women of faith the next morning's conference day I looked out the window and garbage in a ditch caught my eye, but when I looked a little harder and see a homeless soul laying there in a fetal position. My heart stopped. Not because I couldn't deal with seeing homeless person. This particular homeless man looked just like my oldest son. I felt as if time stopped just for me to notice him and thoughts poured in my heart and soul. Seemed like no one cared. Why did know one want to stop, help, and most turned and looked away. What if that were their child? Would they look away? Where was the compassion for him. What if that were Jesus in human form? I was hit so hard and got out of the van when we got to our destination and I couldn't breath, I started to cry so hard it felt personal. My chest was hurting my throat was burning, I felt like I was going to have a panic attack. God showed me just for a glimpse His pain He has for His people. We are all hurting and need Him. This homeless man will always have my prayers for his life. I am not all sure what God is showing me though this, but I am open to hear from Him on what He wants me to do in His name.