Seeing grandma so sick was hard. She has always been so strong to me. She had bruises from her meds, hard to see her like that. When my youngest sister Dawn was brushing through her hair grandma just closed her eyes and was taking in all the pampering. It made me go back to a time I remember grandma standing in front of a mirror pampering herself, she was brushing her hair and putting on her maroon lipstick. While doing so she would take the opportunity to tell us the importance of taking care of ourselves. Looking at her closing her eyes while my sister was brushing her hair was priceless for me. My sister taking care of her grandma like grandma did for us many times was humbling and beautiful.
Funny thing about grandma though is as soon as she heard news on anything the whole town would know it by the end of the day. She could call people quicker then most on cell now days. She loved people and still does. Being so sick she still welcomes people to surround her and still somehow talks and entertains them.
Grandma is a great woman. Seeing her pass away sadly in the near future is going to be hard on all of us grandchildren. We loved her. Even with me not being her flesh and blood- I didn't know it and she treated me even more special. She told me many times that is wasn't right for me to not have a father and grandparents and that she understood how I felt as that is what her life was like and she would tell me that I was hers and she loved me like her own. She NEVER once treated me like I was different, not once. As soon as she see's me she still says "there's my Mary Mae" and yesterday telling family friends as she is looking at me "isn't she a good woman" looking at me proudly. It will be hard when she is no longer with us!