My Animals keep me busy, there is always a picture to take. Animals are such a big part of my personal life.
I have been working on my photography skills. I am having a blast creating works of art I hope bless others. I am just an amateur, but am passionate about it. It seems so new in my life, but never had an opprotunty until now to bring my passion for photography out until now.

This morning was a gorgeous morning for picture taking. It was just breath taking. The above picture is a beautiful seen of some fog settle on the ground. in person it was beautiful. When you live next to a river we get allot more fog, but it can be stunning to see. Everything is beautiful and just glorifies our creator.
I have also been working on the end of the year receipts for HAIN . Keeps me busy this time of year. Plus our newsletter is also needing work!
I started a sock but may take it out. I found a beautiful pattern I will try and post it on my knitting blog HERE. Plus I found some neat patterns for sheep/lambs on ravelry . I love, love that site!
Then of course Fabebook keeps me busy too. Ok I admit I am addicted :) . I can meet all my friends and family in one place. Some near and some far. Its nice to have a place to share pictures and your thoughts!
Then in church we are keeping busy with the experiencing God study. Pretty good, but very basic study.
Will post more later......