Well the other day I noticed my rooster running up to me sideways and his feathers all out and he was making an odd noise. I could not figure out what was wrong with him. The next day he came shooting out of his house when I opened up the door to the chicken house doing the same thing. I was looking at him with curiosity. All of a sudden a few hens came out and my other rooster came out and had the same thing and appearance as my rooster that was next to me. I realized there is nothing wrong with my rooster accept he is in LOVE with my boots! LOLOL I wear them when I go to my chicken pen and my chickens follow me everywhere as I have been their momma. Well sometimes I sit with them and copy the hen noises. The hens like it, then I realized maybe my noises were good enough it fooled him. So now every time I go outside in my boots he runs up feathers fluffed and goes where ever I go lol its so funny! Now if I am not wearing my boots he doesn't come near me at all!
(the picture looks allot like my roosters but for some reason I cannot find my pics, so this is not my rooster)