Thursday, February 26, 2009

Heard from my dad-bearing gifts again

I got a surpize package from my dad today. I was totally not expecting. Plus a nice letter I have not seen from my dad in years!!! He sounded like how he used to sound before he got weird..hard to explain.

Anyway here are a few pics he sent me (Fred you are welcome to snag them off of here. If you like a specific one I can email you a larger version. Hey my dad mentioned sending you some pics. Would love to see some if any of them apply to me of course, Far as family ones)

Lottie, Morgan and my father
(I have not cropped them yet, was to excited to do that just yet)Lotties Dad

Lottie in Play (Which one is her)Ok Who is this? My dad had Morgan and Lottie with a question mark. But this doesn't look like them to me.