Wednesday, March 3, 2010

What have I been up to since posting on this blog last

Well the day after my grandma was buried, it was valentines. My hubby took me on a date. We went out to eat at a Chinese restaurant, then we went to Barnes and Nobles in Corvallis, OR we always try and go there when we go to Corvallis. I got 2 books and am reading one of them now. Its a book about the Holocaust. I am fascinated how people can survive such atrocities. Its so important that, that never happens again. We must be careful that we do not make our country a socialist one. Did you know Hitler was a believer of socialism?

Anyway I am off subject. We also stayed the night out and the kids stayed with my niece Ashlee. We had Madi and baby J the evening before. We had such a good time with them. Snuggling with Madi all night was simply amazing! She is such a sweet little girl. And it was so fun to watch baby James wear my kids plum out. He ran and ran and by bed time my kids were begging him. It was such a satisfying thing (pay backs lololol). I did not take pictures of them while they were visiting..darn it!

I recently took some newborn pictures of Saxon. Saxon is my sister Kim's nephew. What a doll!! I had a blast doing this. I hope to take many more in the future of him.

Madi recently got out of the hospital for yet another brain surgery. Her first shunt in her head failed. Apparently this one is doing really good!! Madi will need this surgery every 3 yrs anyway, but sometimes the shunts can fail. Ashlee and James have a pretty special girl. She is a blessing in our family. We love her so very much.

Well that is about it.