Paul almost 2 yrs ago |
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So recently I decided to start listening to my dramatized
audio bible (has Jim Caviezel) anyway the other day my son Paul tells me its like being tortured because he doesn't understand what they are saying. So I tell him he can play but needed to be in the living room (something on my heart I felt I needed to do) so anyway he finally does and as I thought he relaxes. (he is a hyper child) so the next day (yesterday) I decided to put the audio bible in again (there are 20 cd's we had only listened to a couple) as we were listening to it about an hour later the electric goes out (tree had fell on power lines) and all of a sudden Paul says "
man I was just getting into that" he seemed upset. That evening while we were praying Paul wanted to out loud pray for the first time. So we were praying and its Paul's turn. He starts talking about the audio bible saying "
Jesus was healing people" and as a matter of factual says "
and he made a bunch of stuff come out of a man and gave it to the pigs, I hope know one ate those pigs" now if you know Paul you would laugh your bottom off.
I now realize that listening to these my kids listen and are learning and understand so much easier then trying to learn it by reading it. Paul is 8 almost 9 and for him this has been so calming to him. But he now thinks Jesus is pretty darn cool!